Hey hey friends! Here are some quick facts about me: 
➕ my name is annie.


➕ i love coffee and babywearing and winged eyeliner.
➕ i co-own a salon in mt. airy (Culture Hair Studio)
➕i have a hubby (Chris Hauser), a 3.5 year old boy (grey), an 11 week old baby girl (mila), two doggies (luca is a golden and sakura is a shiba inu)
➕ we are passionate about travel, foster care, and natural living
➕ if you told me 3.5 years ago I’d be running an 18 million dollar+ a year business out of my house (legally. no walter white ish😂😂😂), usually in my bed or on my couch or at the park with my kids, regularly pantless, with my husband home full time from his corporate job he hated, making more money in a month than he used to make in a year, leading a community of over 23,000 families to a way of more natural and empowered living - I’d have LAUGHED IN YOUR FREAKING FACE.
➕ i’d have first said “that sounds sketch AF.” 
then i’d have said “wait is this one of those network marketing pyramid schemes?” 
then i’d have said “yeah no way in haaaaale am I stalking my friends to buy stuff from me” <insert eye roll>
sound perhaps like what is running through your head? 😂
➕ i’m gonna do something that makes me want to pee my pants a little and share our story. 
- how we started with oils
- how we started a business based on authenticity and a genuine desire to teach and educate and take people on a journey WITH us
- what crazy amazing things it’s done for our family

also, i have to share this whenever I talk about how f-ing awesome our job is. rules. 🙄😜